Conecte -se com singles educados elegíveis que procuram encontrar um parceiro de vida! WedLock recomenda que você seja elegível para encontrar um parceiro de vida.
Conecte -se com singles educados elegíveis que procuram encontrar um parceiro de vida!
WedLock recomenda que você seja elegível para encontrar um parceiro de vida. Get connected only if you mutually like each other. WedLock is currently open to only singles with age 24 years or above. We give only 1 connection at a time to males. After all, what matters is commitment! . Engage in private chat. Break connection anytime if it is not working out.
★ Discover - Relevant profiles per your interests. See pictures, profession, education, family background, common links, interests and hobbies. All what matters to us as Indians! Every profile on WedLock is crazily verified and is authentic.
★ Connect - On mutual like only. We give only 1 connection to males at a time. After all, what matters is commitment!
★ Engage - Chat 1:1 in private or talk 1:1 within app without sharing any phone numbers . Take your time, see if the person is the one. You can break connection anytime if its not working out. All chats go away. No other way to contact you otherwise!
★ 100% Safe - Sign up in 30 seconds via Facebook. We never post anything on Facebook. Sempre. You can go invisible anytime. Only those whom you like would be able to see your profile. Best privacy features.
Committed relationships are made in heaven. On Earth, they happen on WedLock !